Gospel Books

AD 70 Doctrine 

Ted J. Clarke:  The A. D. 70 Doctrine

Gus Nichols and Max R. King:  The Nichols – King Debate

Garland M. Robinson:  The AD 70 System of Kingism / The AD 70 Doctrine (Used with permission)


D. R. Dungan:  Rum and Ruin: The Remedy Found

William Patton:  The Laws of Fermentation and the Wines of the Ancients


Gospel Advocate Company, Publisher:  The Lipscomb Lectures, Volume 1 (1947)

Harding College Press, Publisher:  The Harding College Lectures, Volume One (1947)

Harding College Press, Publisher:  The Harding College Lectures, Volume Two (1948)

Harding College Press, Publisher:  The Harding College Lectures 1950

Harding College Press, Publisher:  The Harding College Lectures 1951

J. A. Headington and Joseph Franklin:  A Book of Gems, Choice Selections From the Writings of Benjamin Franklin

F. L. Rowe, Publisher:  Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures 1919

F. L. Rowe, Publisher:  Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures 1922-1923

John F. Rowe and G.W. Rice, Editors:  Biographical Sketch and Writings of Elder Benjamin Franklin, Volume 1

Z. T. Sweeney, Editor:  New Testament Christianity, Volume 1


John Anderson:  The Act, Subjects and Design of Baptism

John Anderson:  Baptism:  The Purposes It Fulfills and Changes It Effects

Aquilla:  Is Baptism Necessary?

James T. Bagby and W. Halliday Trice:  Bagby-Trice Discussion on The Design and Action of Baptism  (1914)

Clark Braden and G. W. Hughey:  Debate on the Action of Baptism (1868)

Thomas R. Burnett and J. C. Weaver:  The Burnett-Weaver Debate, Volume 1  (1895)    [Topic:  Action and Subject of Baptism]

Thomas R. Burnett and J. C. Weaver:  The Burnett-Weaver Debate, Volume 2  (1895)    [Topic:  Operation of Holy Spirit, Design of Baptism, the Creed Criticised]

Alexander Campbell:  Christian Baptism: With Its Antecedents and Consequents

Alexander Campbell and W. L. MacCalla:  A Public Debate – Christian Baptism  (1842)

Alexander Campbell and N. L. Rice:  A Debate  (1857)    [Topic:  Action, subject, design and administrator of baptism]

Alexander Campbell and John Walker:  Debate on Christian Baptism  (1820)

Clark Braden and G. W. Hughey:  Debate on the Action of Baptism

James Challen:  Baptism – In Spirit and In Fire

Benjamin Franklin and S. M. Merrill:  An Oral Discussion on Justification, The Action of Baptism, Infant Baptism and the Design of Baptism  (1858) 

James A. Harding and Austin McGary:  The Baptismal Question

James A. Harding and John Burnley Moody:  Debate on Baptism and the Work of the Holy Spirit

James A. Harding and T. L. Wilkinson:  Debate on Baptism: Embracing Mode and Subject 

David King:  Why Baptize the Little Ones?

A. R. Main:  Baptism:  Our Lord’s Command

James M. Mathes and T. S. Brooks:  Debate on Baptism and Kindred Subjects

Austin McGary and Thomas Raines Burnett:  Valid Baptism

Denton M. Neal and Tom Renfro:  Contending for the Faith – Is Baptism Necessary

Harold Sain and Albert Batts:  Sain-Batts Debate on Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Baptism  (1965)

J. W. Shepherd:  Handbook on Baptism

L. B. Wilkes and Jacob Ditzler:  The Louisville Debate:  A Discussion of the Question, What Is Christian Baptism?  

Guy N. Woods and A. U. Nunnery:  The Woods-Nunnery Debate on Baptism and Apostasy (1946)

Perry B. Cotham: The New Birth


David M. Amos:  Bible Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Roger D. Campbell:  A General Overview of the Bible

James W. Phillips:  A Chronological Study of Biblical Events

Bible Class Study Material

Adam Cozort:  Studies in Samuel and Kings  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Carey Dillinger:  The Prophet Ezekiel “Ye Shall Know I Am the Lord” Bible Study Notes

Ronald D. Gilbert:  How to Study the Bible

Ronald D. Gilbert:  Evangelism

Ronald D. Gilbert:  Church Discipline

Ronald D. Gilbert:  Elders, Deacons and Preachers

S. H. Hall:  Scripture Studies, Volume 1

S. H. Hall:  Scripture Studies, Volume 2

Ashley S. Johnson:  Correspondence Bible College, A Thorough Course of Training by Mail

C. R. Nichol and Robertson L. Whiteside:  Sound Doctrine, Volume 1

C. R. Nichol and Robertson L. Whiteside:  Sound Doctrine, Volume 2

C. R. Nichol and Robertson  L. Whiteside:  Sound Doctrine, Volume 3

C. R. Nichol and Robertson L. Whiteside:  Sound Doctrine, Volume 4

C. R. Nichol:  Sound Doctrine, Volume 5

J. D. Tant:  Bible Studies



William Baxter:  Life of Elder Walter Scott:  With Sketches of His Fellow-Laborers

H. Leo Boles:  Biographical Sketches of Gospel Preachers

G. C. Brewer:  Autobiography of G. C. Brewer

J. F. Burnett:  Rev. Abner Jones, The Man Who Believed and Served

J. F. Burnett:  Rev. James O’Kelly, A Champion of Religious Liberty

J. F. Burnett:  Rev. Barton Warren Stone, The Man Who Studied and Taught

Ottis L. Castleberry:  They Heard Him Gladly, A Critical Study of Benjamin Franklin’s Preaching

Thomas Chalmers:  Alexander Campbell’s Tour in Scotland

Madison Evans:  Biographical Sketches of the Pioneer Preachers of Indiana

Thomas W. Grafton:  Alexander Campbell, Leader of the Great Reformation of the Nineteenth Century

John Mark Hicks:  James A. Harding, Evangelist and Teacher

Abner Jones:  Memoirs of the Life and Experience, Travels and Preaching of Abner Jones

James Marvin Powell and Mary Nelle Hardeman Powers:  NBH – A Biography of Nicholas Brodie Hardeman

F. D. Srygley:  Smiles and Tears – or – Larimore and His Boys  

Barton W. Stone:  The Biography of Elder Barton Warren Stone

J. W. McGarvey: Autobiography


Fred Davis, Director:  The Parables of Our Saviour

R. C. Foster:  Studies in the Life of Christ

Harry Rimmer:  The Magnificence of Jesus

Christian Evidence

James D. Bales and Woolsey Teller:  The Existence of God, A Debate

William H. Bates:  Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible

Alexander Campbell and Robert Owen:  The Evidences of Christianity, A Debate  (1829)

George W. DeHoff:  Why We Believe the Bible

J. W. McGarvey:  Evidences of Christianity

Basil Overton:  Evolution or Creation?

Lionel Ruby: Logic An Introduction

Christian Living

J. S. Lamar:  First Principles and Perfection / The Birth and Growth of a Christian

College Press Library  

Old Testament Commentaries  (All are Copyrighted – Used with permission)

New Testament Commentaries  (All are Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Supplemental Study Material  (All are Copyrighted – Used with permission)


R. C. Bell:  Studies in Ephesians

R. C,. Bell:  Studies in Galatians

R. C. Bell:  Studies in Philippians

R. C. Bell:  Studies in Romans

James W. Boyd:  The Book of Judges  (Used with permission)

Bill Browning:  Commentary on Acts 2:36-38

Franklin Camp:  Exodus Outline

Alexander Campbell:  Acts of the Apostles

N. T. Caton:  A Commentary and an Exposition of the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude

Jim Dearman:  A Brief Introduction and Commentary on Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon

Thomas F. Eaves, Sr.:  A Simplified Study of the Acts of the Apostles  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Thomas F. Eaves, Sr.:  A Simplified Study of the Epistle to the Hebrews  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Isaiah Boone Grubbs:  Hebrews

Isaiah Boone Grubbs:  An Exegetical and Analytical Commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans

B. W. Johnson:  The New Testament Commentary, Volume III – John

B. W. Johnson:  Vision of the Ages or Lectures on the Apocalypse

J. S. Lamar:  The New Testament Commentary, Volume II – Luke

Moses E. Lard:  Commentary on Paul’s Letter to Romans

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the Gospel by John

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles – Volume I, Romans

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles – Volume II, First Corinthians 

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles – Volume III, Second Corinthians and Galatians

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles – Volume IV, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians

David Lipscomb:  A Commentary on the New Testament Epistles – Volume V, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus and Philemon

J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton:  The Fourfold Gospel

J. W. McGarvey:  The New Testament Commentary, Volume I -Matthew and Mark

J. W. McGarvey:  A Commentary on Acts of Apostles  (Original)

J. W. McGarvey:  New Commentary on Acts of Apostles

J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton:  Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians and Romans

J. Vernon McGee:  Genesis – Volume 1, Chapters 1-15

J. Vernon McGee:  Genesis – Volume 2, Chapters 16-33

J. Vernon McGee:  Genesis – Volume 3, Chapters 34-50

Robert Milligan:  The New Testament Commentary, Volume IX – Hebrews

David Richardson:  Commentary on Hebrews

William Arnold Stevens and Ernest DeWitt Burton:  A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study

Paul Vaughn:  Daniel, A Man Who Trusted In God

Robertson L. Whiteside:  A New Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Saints at Rome

Howard Winters:  Commentary on First Corinthians, Practical and Explanatory  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Howard Winters:  Commentary on Romans, Practical and Explanatory   (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Howard Winters:  Commentary on Revelation, Practical and Explanatory  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Debate Charts

Mac Deaver:  Deaver’s Charts on the Holy Spirit for the Deaver-Fox Debate

Jerry Hayes:  Debate Charts (Water Baptism)

David Padfield:  Weapons of Our Warfare – Premillennialism

John A. Welch:  The Weapons of Our Warfare – Faith Only Salvation

John A. Welch:  The Weapons of Our Warfare – Holy Spirit Baptism and Miracles

Debate Instruction

James D. Bales:  Christian, Contend For Thy Cause

Debate Notes

A. C. Grider:  Baptist Error Exposed, Debate Notes on Baptism and Apostasy

Ray Hawk:  Debate Notes on Holy Ghost Baptism

Franklin T. Puckett:  The Use of Mechanical Instruments of Music in Christian Worship is Authorized by the Bible

Samuel D. Taylor:  Debate Notebook – The Number of Persons in the Godhead


James T. Bagby and W. Halliday Trice:  Bagby-Trice Discussion on The Design and Action of Baptism  (1914)

J. C. Bailey and A. R. Scherling:  Scherling-Bailey Debate (1953)    [Topic:  Is the conscience supreme in the moral realm?]

James D. Bales and Woolsey Teller:  The Existence of God, A Debate  (1947)

John Basil Barnhill:  Barnhill-Tichenor Debate on Socialism

Vernon L. Barr and John O’Dowd:  Barr-O’Dowd Debate, A Historical Debate (1946)    [Topic:   Was the church of Christ originated by Alexander Campbell?]

Vernon L. Barr and Bill L. Rogers:  The Famous Alabama Debate on the Plan of Salvation  (1958)

H. Leo Boles and R. H. Boll:  Unfulfilled Prophecy, A Discussion on Prophetic Themes  (1954)

Morris B. Book and James P. Miller:  Book-Miller Debate on Instrumental Music in Worship  (1955)

E. M. Borden and Ben M. Bogard:  The Borden-Bogard Debate  (1909)    [Topic:   Church of Christ was established on the 1st Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ]

Clark Braden and G. W. Hughey:  Debate on the Action of Baptism (1868)

Clark Braden and E. L. Kelley:  Public Discussion of the Issues Between the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Church of Christ (Disiples) (1884)

J. R. Bradley and Archie Brown:  Can the Sinner Do Anything to be Saved? (1903)

T. W. Brents and E. D. Herod:  A Theological Debate  (1887)    [Topic:  Salvation from sin is conditional, conditions are to be performed by the sinner in order for Salvation]

G. C. Brewer and Stewart J. Spence:  The Immortality of the Soul, A Debate  (1916)

Darrell Broking and Al Maxey:  The Broking-Maxey Debate    [Topic:  New Testament Pattern]

A. A. Bunner and Ben E. Rich:  The Bunner-Rich Debate  (1912)    [Topic:  Rich was a Morman – John the Baptist and Jesus were the last prophets sent by God]

Robert H. Bunting and J. D. Marion:  Both Sides of the Music Question Discussed (1957)

O. A. Burgess and B. F. Underwood:  The Burgess-Underwood Debate  (1875)    [Topic:  The Christian religion as set forth in the New Testament is true in fact, and of divine origin]

Thomas R. Burnett and D. B. Ray:  Ray-Burnette Debate: A Discussion of the Doctrines and Practices of the Missionary Baptist Church

Thomas R. Burnett and J. C. Weaver:  The Burnett-Weaver Debate, Volume 1  (1895)    [Topic:  Action and Subject of Baptism]

Thomas R. Burnett and J. C. Weaver:  The Burnett-Weaver Debate, Volume 2  (1895)    [Topic:  Operation of Holy Spirit, Design of Baptism, the Creed Criticised]

Thomas R. Burnett and T. S. Dalton:  Debate on Salvation – Is It Conditional or Unconditional?  (1897)

Alexander Campbell and W. L. MacCalla:  A Public Debate – Christian Baptism  (1842)

Alexander Campbell and Robert Owen:  The Evidences of Christianity, A Debate  (1829)

Alexander Campbell and John B. Purcell:  A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion  (1837)

Alexander Campbell and N. L. Rice:  A Debate  (1857)    [Topic:  Action, subject, design and administrator of baptism]

Alexander Campbell and D. Skinner:  Discussion on Universalism  (1837-1839)

Alexander Campbell and John Walker:  Debate on Christian Baptism  (1820)

George T. Carpenter and John Hughes:  Debate on the Destiny of the “Wicked” (1875)

J. W. Chism and John W. Ring:  The Great Debate (1908)    [Topic:  Spiritualism]

N. L. Clark and E. P. Douglass:  Clark-Douglass Debate – A Discussion on the Identity of the Church (1897)

A. O. Colley:  The Collley-Tyndall Debate: A Synopsis of the Arguments of Both Speakers (1921)

Flavil L. Colley and W. Carl Ketcherside:  Colley-Ketcherside Debate (1953)

Perry B. Cotham and John Hartley:  Perry B. Cotham and John Hartley Debate  (1980)

Perry B.Cotham and Peter John:  The Cotham-John Debate on Miracles Today (1989)

Algernon S. Crapsey and M. M. Mangasarian:  Did Jesus Really Live?  (1908)

Samuel G. Dawson and Lynn Graham:  Dawson-Graham Debate – What Constitutes a Denomination?

George W. DeHoff and Leroy Garrett:  DeHoff-Garrett Debate (1954)

Weylan Deaver and Drew Leonard:  Deaver-Leonard Correspondence on the Holy Spirit

Thomas F. Eaves, Sr. and Dr. Paul R. Johnson:  A Debate on Homosexuality (1981)  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

G. W. Elliot and N. W. Kauble:  A Debate on the Sabbath and Lord’s Day (1893)

Edgar E. Folk and J. C. McQuiddy:  On the Plan of Salvation (1907)

Benjamin Franklin and T. J. Fisher:  Debate on Some of the Distinctive Differences Between the Reformers and Baptists  (1858)

Benjamin Franklin and Joe Hume:  A Debate on Total Hereditary Depravity  (1853)

Benjamin Franklin and Erasmus Manford:  Oral Debate on the Coming of the Son of Man, Endless Punishment, and Universal Salvation  (1860)

Benjamin Franklin and James Matthews:  Predestination and the Foreknowledge of God, A Discussion  (1852)

Benjamin Franklin and S. M. Merrill:  An Oral Discussion on Justification, The Action of Baptism, Infant Baptism and the Design of Baptism  (1858) 

Benjamin Franklin and John A. Thompson:  An Oral Debate (1873)

Gene Frost and Lloyd Moyer:  Frost-Moyer Exchange on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Ralph D. Gage and J. W. Kesner:  Gage-Kesner Debate on “The Plan of Salvation”  (1954)

Otis Gatewood and Kenneth Farnsworth:  Gatewood-Farnsworth Debate on “Mormonism”  (1942)

J. R. Graves and Jacob Ditzler:  The Graves-Ditzler:  Great Carrollton Debate (1876)

M. W. Green and Thomas Walker:  Christianity vs Spiritualism (1878)

S. H. Hall:  Scripture Studies, Volume IV – Three Defenses of Music in Worship

Jack Hansen and Bruce Webster:  Hansen-Webster Debate on Eschatology – “Does Matthew 24 and 25 Refer Only to the Destruction of Jerusalem?”

N. B. Hardeman and Ben M. Bogard:  Hardeman – Bogart Debate  (1938)

N. B. Hardeman and Ira M. Boswell:  Boswell-Hardeman Discussion on Instrumental Music in the Worship (1923)

James A. Harding and Austin McGary:  The Baptismal Question

James A. Harding and John Burnley Moody:  Debate on Baptism and the Work of the Holy Spirit (1889)

James A. Harding and John H. Nichols:  The Harding-Nichols Debate (1888)

James A. Harding and T. L. Wilkinson:  Debate on Baptism: Embracing Mode and Subject (1884)

E. R. Harper and Fanning Yater Tant:  Harper-Tant Debate (1955)

Ray Hawk and Olin Hicks:  A Debate on Divorce and Remarriage

Ray Hawk and Mike Morris:  A Debate on Apostasy

Ward Hogland and J. W. Kesner:  Hogland-Kesner Debate on “The Plan of Salvation” (1950)

Bill J. Humble and Leroy Garrett:  Humble-Garrett Debate (1954)

Robert G. Ingersoll and William E. Gladstone:  The Ingersoll-Gladstone Controversy on Christianity (1888)

Bill Jackson and Steve Bratteng:  Jackson-Bratteng Debate:  God and the Bible or Humanism and Atheism  (1988)

Obadiah Jennings:  Debate on Campbellism

G. E. Jones and P. D. Ballard:  A Written Scriptural Discussion

Ashley S. Johnson:  Johnson’s Speeches / Hemstead-Johnson Debate  (1891)

Marvine Kelley and Albert Garner:  Kelley-Garner Debate (1953)

David King and Charles Bradlaugh:  What Is Christianity?  Report of a Public Discussion (1870)

W. W. King and Alvin I. Hobbs:  Theological Discussion (1868)

J. H. Lawson and J. M. Thompson:  Church Identiy Discussed (1898)

George A. Lofton and F. W. Smith:  Why the Baptist Name (1912)

Erasmus Manford and John Steele Sweeney:  A Discussion on Universal Salvation and Future Punishment (1870)

James M. Mathes and T. S. Brooks:  Debate on Baptism and Kindred Subjects (1868)

Austin McGary and Thomas Raines Burnett:  Valid Baptism (1899)

E. H. Miller and W. S. Smith:  Smith-Miller Debate (1959)

Rolf L. Miller and Eugene Britnell:  Proposition:  “The Scriptures Teach That A Christian May Smoke”

Denton M. Neal and Tom Renfro:  Contending for the Faith – Is Baptism Necessary (1942)

Charles R. Nichol and A. S. Bradley:  The Nichol-Bradley Debate (1906)

Charles R. Nichol and A. A. Hensler:  Nichol-Hensler Debate (1932)

Gus Nichols and J. D. Holder: Nichols-Holder Debate (1950)

Gus Nichols and Max R. King:  The Nichols – King Debate  (1973)

Gus Nichols and C. J. Weaver:  Nichols-Weaver Debate (1943)

J. Frank Norris and J. L. Hines:  The Norris-Hines Debate (1946)

William Landon Oliphant and Charles Smith:  Oliphant-Smith Debate  (1929)

W. W. Otey and J. B. Briney:  Otey-Briney Debate – “Instrumental Music” and “The Societies”  (1908)

Neal Overman and O. B. Whitaker:  A Public Discussion on the Question:  Does the Church of Christ Offer a Scriptural Basis for the Union of All Christians?  (1906)

W. Curtis Porter and Ben M. Bogard:  Porter-Bogard Debate (1948)

Bill L. Rogers and B. A. Baker:  The Rogers-Baker Debate on Dispensatonalism (1953)

Harold Sain and Albert Batts:  Sain-Batts Debate on Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Baptism  (1965)

Wesley Simons and Vin Lewis:  Lewis-Simons Debate:  Discussion on Authority (1996)

Eugene S. Smith and Ben M. Bogard:  Smith-Bogard Debate (1942)

Eugene S. Smith and D. N. Jackson:  Jackson-Smith Debate (1945)

Daniel Sommer and J. N. Armstrong:  Sommer-Armstrong Discussion:  A Written Discussion on the Bible School (1908)

Daniel Sommer and J. N. Cowan:  Debate Between J. N. Cowan and Daniel Sommer (1926)

Daniel Sommer and Robert H. Miller:  The Miller – Sommer Debate (1889)

Daniel Sommer and R. H. Rhodes:  A Report of Skirmishes Between a Religious Journal and a Religio-Secular College

D. Austen Sommer, J. C. McQuiddy, and J. N. Armstrong:  The College Question Discussed

F. B. Srygley and C. H. Cayce:  Cayce-Srygley Discussion (1911)

John S. Sweeny and John Crawford:  Debate on the Points of Difference in Faith and Practice Between the To Religious Bodies Known as the Disciples of Christ and the Regular Baptists Embracing the Subject of Calvinism and Design of Baptism (1874)

John S. Sweeny and J. B. Logan:  Theological Debate (1862)

Jim Waldron and P. Pickering:  Classical Pre-Millennialism, A Debate

Foy E. Wallace, Jr. and Charles M. Neal:  Neal-Wallace Discussion on the Thousand Years Reign of Christ (1933)

G. K. Wallace and Burton W. Barber:  Wallace-Barber Debate (1950)

G. K. Wallace and W. Carl Ketcherside:  Wallace-Ketcherside Debate (1952)

G. K. Wallace and Ray Vaughn:  Wallace-Vaughn Debate  (1951)

Joe S. Warlick and George W. Phillips:  A Debate on the Sunday School Question   (1921)

Joe S. Warlick and J. Carroll Stark:  A Debate (1904)

Thomas B. Warren and L. S. Ballard:  Warren-Ballard Debate (1953)

Thomas B. Warren and E. C. Fuqua:  The Warren-Fuqua Debate  (1954)

J. P. Watson and O. H. Tallman:  A Written Discussion on the Sunday School Class Question (1931)

D. J.Whitten and Roy H. Lanier:  Whitten-Lanier Debate (1937)

L. B. Wilkes and Jacob Ditzler:  The Louisville Debate:  A Discussion of the Question, What Is Christian Baptism?  (1870)

Guy N. Woods and A. U. Nunnery:  The Woods-Nunnery Debate on Baptism and Apostasy (1946)

Porter and Waters Debate: Porter – Waters Debate on (1) Number of Cups in the Lord Supper, (2) Can the Church Divide Into Groups Using Women To Teach Some of the Groups. (1950)

Porter and Tingley Debate: Porter – Tingley Debate on The Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit; The Necessity of Baptism; Are We Saved by Faith Alone? (1947)


Clark Braden and E. L. Kelley:  Public Discussion of the Issues Between the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Church of Christ (Disiples)

G. C. Brewer:  Can I Be Just A Christian?

Thomas R. Burnett and D. B. Ray:  Ray-Burnette Debate: A Discussion of the Doctrines and Practices of the Missionary Baptist Church

Alexander Campbell:  Delusions:An Analysis of the Book of Mormon

Alexander Campbell and John B. Purcell:  A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion

Benjamin Franklin and T. J. Fisher:  Debate on Some of the Distinctive Differences Between the Reformers and Baptists  (1858)

Guy V. Caskey and Thomas L. Campbell, Editors:  Why I Left . . .

R. C. Evans:  Forty Years in the Mormon Church – Why I Left It!

Otis Gatewood and Kenneth Farnsworth:  Gatewood-Farnsworth Debate on “Mormonism” 

Ashley S. Johnson:  The Great Controversy

Ashley S. Johnson:  Letters to a Young Methodist Preacher

George A. Lofton and F. W. Smith:  Why the Baptist Name (1912)

C. R.. Nichol:  Baptist Answers Reviewed

C. R. Nichol:  A Study in Methodist Discipline

John S. Sweeny and John Crawford:  Debate on the Points of Difference in Faith and Practice Between the To Religious Bodies Known as the Disciples of Christ and the Regular Baptists Embracing the Subject of Calvinism and Design of Baptism (1874)


Hermann Cremer:  Biblico-Theological Lexicon of  New Testament Greek

Doctrinal Study

John Anderson:  Tracts on Conversion

John Anderson:  The Work of the Holy Spirit

Aquilla:  Is Baptism Necessary?

James W. Boyd:  System of Salvation, Comments on Romans  (Used with permission)

T. W. Brents:  The Gospel Plan of Salvation

G. C. Brewer:  Contending for the Faith

G. C. Brewer:  Foundation Facts and Primary Principles

George W. Butterfield: The New Testament Church

Alexander Campbell:  Christian Baptism: With Its Antecedents and Consequents

Alexander Campbell:  The Christian System in Reference to the Union of Christians and a Restoration of Primitive Christianity

James Challen:  Baptism – In Spirit and In Fire

Benjamin Franklin and Joe Hume:  A Debate on Total Hereditary Depravity  (1853)

Benjamin Franklin and James Matthews:  Predestination and the Foreknowledge of God, A Discussion (1852)

John H. Hundley:  The Plan of Salvation Made Plain to the Sinner. In Three Parts

Ashley S. Johnson:  Outline Study of God’s Eternal Purpose

David King:  Why Baptize the Little Ones?

M. C. Kurfees:  Instrumental Music in the Worship

David Lipscomb:  Christian Unity, Faith and Opinion

David Lipscomb:  Civil Government – Its Origin, Mission, and Destiny

David Lipscomb:  Queries and Answers

Clinton Lockhart:  The Messianic Message of the Old Testament

A. R. Main:  Baptism:  Our Lord’s Command

J. W. McGarvey:  A Treatise on the Eldership

J. W. McGarvey:  The Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy

J. W. McGarvey:  Jesus and Jonah

J. W. McGarvey:  Letters to Bishop McIlvaine, on “Christian Union”

J. W. McGarvey:    Short Essays in Biblical Criticism

Robert Milligan:  A Brief Treatise on Prayer

Robert Milligan:  Exposition and Defense of the Scheme of Redemption

Robert Milligan:  The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His Twelve Apostles

Hyram Pharris:  Prayer: An Examination of the Scriptures as to the Rules and Purposes

W. A. Schultz:  Repentance

Walter Scott:  A Discourse on the Holy Spirit

J. W. Shepherd:  Handbook on Baptism

A. W. Stephenson:  The Lord’s Supper

A. W. Stephenson:  Original Sin

F. D. Srygley:  The New Testament Church

Z. T. Sweeney, Editor:  New Testament Christianity, Volume 1

Howard Winters:  The Work of the Holy Spirit   (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

English Grammar

H. W. Fowler:  The King’s English

John Hart:  Primary English Grammar

Thomas W. Harvey:  Elementary Grammar and Composition, Revised Edition

George Lyman Kittredge and Frank Edgar Farley:  An Advanced English Grammar With Exercises

William H. Maxwell:  Elementary Grammar

William Strunk, Jr.:  The Elements of Style


Charles Baker:  The Book of Bible Geography of the Old and New Testaments

Lyman Coleman:  An Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography

F. A. Cox:  Biblical Antiquities with Some Collateral Subjects Illustrating the Language, Geography and Early History of Palestine

Thomas Hartwell Horne:  Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures:  Summary of Biblical Geography and Antiquities

Charles Foster Kent:  Biblical Geography and History

George H. Whitney:  Hand-Book of Bible Geography

J. W. McGarey: Lands of the Bible


The Greek Alphabet

H. E. Dana and Julius R. Mantey:  A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament

William Hersey Davis:  Beginner’s Grammar of the Greek New Testament

William W. Goodwin:  A Greek Grammar

Samuel G. Green:  A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek

William Rainey Harper and Revere Franklin Weidner:  An Introductory New Testament Greek Method

Edwin Hatch:  Essay in Biblical Greek

Asahel Clark Kendrick:  Greek Ollendorff

Asahel Clark Kendrick:  An Introduction to the Greek Language

John McClintock:  A First Book in Greek

John McClintock:  A Second Book in Greek

J. Gresham Machen:  New Testament Greek For Beginners

M. A. North and A. E. Hillard:  Greek Prose Composition For Schools

Clyde Pharr:  Homeric Greek:  A Book For Beginners

W. Gunion Rutherford:  First Greek Grammar Accidence

W. Gunion Rutherford:  First Greek Grammar Syntax

Crawford Scott:  A Greek Word Study in Ephesians

William Smith:  A First Greek Course

Herbert Weir Smyth:  A Greek Grammar For Colleges

Ray Summers:  Essentials of New Testament Greek

John Williams White:  The First Greek Book

John Williams White and Morris H. Morgan:  An Illustrated Dictionary to Zenophon’s Anabasis


A. E. Cowley:  Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar

James Kennedy:  Introduction to Biblical Hebrew


D. R. Dungan:  Hermeneutics, A Text Book

Isaiah Boone Grubbs:  Exegetical Analysis of the Epistles With Notes 

John Allen Hudson:  How to Read the Bible, Historic Interpretation

Clinton Lockhart:  Principles of Interpretation


Elijah Porter Barrows:  The Manners and Customs of the Jews

Reuben Butchart:  A Primer of Disciple History in Canada

John D. Cox:  A Concise Account of Church History

James Gardner:  The Christians of New England

J. W. Grant:  The Reformation in Tennessee

A. S. Hayden:  Early History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio

Charles Foster Kent:  Biblical Geography and History

David King:  A Glance at the History and Mystery of Christadelphianism

David King:  Primitive Christianity, the Apostasy and the Restoration

George A. Klingman:  Church History For Busy People

Richard M’Nemar:  The Kentucky Revival

William Thomas Moore:  A Comprehensive History of the Disiciples of Christ

Lancelot Oliver:  The Apostles of Christ

Philip Schaff:  History of the Christian Church, Volume 1

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 2

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 3

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 4

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 5

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 6

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 7

Philip Schaff:  HIstory of the Christian Church, Volume 8

J. W. Shepherd:  The Church, The Falling Away and the Restoration

Home and Marriage

James W. Boyd:  O, Give Me A Home  (Used with permission)

Katrece Howard:  Is Anyone Home?  (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

Daisy McQuigg Sewell:  The Home As God Would Have It

Thomas B. Warren:  Marriage Is For Those Who Love God – And One Another

P. D. Wilmeth:   The Christian Home


Arthur S. Hoyt:  The Work of Preaching

Harold E. Knott:  How to Prepare an Expository Sermon

Austin Phelps:  The Theory of Preaching, Lectures on Homiletics

J. Pilant Sanders, C. Arthur Norred, Fanning Yater Tant and Roy E. Cogdill:  Preaching in the Twentieth Century

T. H. Scambler:  The Art of Sermon Construction


Alexander Campbell, Editor:  The Christian Baptist, Volume 1

Alexander Campbell, Editor:  The Christian Baptist, Volume 2

Alexander Campbell, Editor:  Millennial Harbinger – Articles Responding to “Debate on Campbellism”

Alexander Campbell, Editor:  Millennial Harbinger – Articles on The Mormon Expose

Benjamin Franklin, Editor:  The American Christian Review, Volume 1

Benjamin Franklin, Editor:  The American Christian Review – Debate at Pine Flats, PA   (1859)

David Lipscomb Watson, Founder and Editor:  Word and Work


D. R. Dungan:  Ingersoll’s Mistakes About Moses

Otis Gatewood:  You Can Do Personal Work

David King:  The Resurrection of Saints and Sinners at the Coming of the Lord and the Metaphorical Resurrections of the Millenium

Moses E. Lard:  A Review of Rev. J. B. Jeter’s Book Entitled “Campbellism Examined”

E. W. McMillian:  The Minister’s Spiritual Life

G. Campbell Morgan:  The Parables of the Kingdom

Clive R. Paden:  How to Set Up a New Testament Church in Your Home

T. H. Scambler:  At The Lord’s Table

James Strong:  Tables of Biblical Chronology

J. Ridley Stroop:  Why Do People Not See the Bible Alike?


Morris B. Book and James P. Miller:  Book-Miller Debate on Instrumental Music in Worship  (1955)

Robert H. Bunting and J. D. Marion:  Both Sides of the Music Question Discussed (1957)

S. H. Hall:  Scripture Studies, Volume IV – Three Defenses of Music in Worship

N. B. Hardeman and Ira M. Boswell:  Boswell-Hardeman Discussion on Instrumental Music in the Worship  (1923)

M. C. Kurfees:  Instrumental Music in the Worship

W. W. Otey and J. B. Briney:  Otey-Briney Debate – “Instrumental Music” and “The Societies”  (1908)


Christian Classics Ethereal Library:  Early Church Fathers

Christian Classics Ethereal Library:  Early Church Fathers, Additional Texts

John Eadie:  A Biblical Cyclopaedia

M. G. Easton:  Easton’s Bible Dictionary

H. B. Hackett and Ezra Abbot:  Dr. William Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1 – A to Gennesaret

James Hastings, Editor:  Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels

Roswell D Hitchcock:  Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary

Ashley S. Johnson:  The Busy Man’s Bible Encyclopedia

John McClintock and James Strong:  Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 1 – A, B

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 2 – C, D

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 3 – E, F, G

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 4 – H, I, J

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 5 – K, L, Mc

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 6 – Me – Nev

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 7 – New – Pes

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 8 – Pet – Re

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 9 – Rh – St

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 10 – Su – Z

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 11 – Supplement A – Cn

John McClintock and James Strong: Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Volume 12 – Supplement Co – Z

Orville J. Nave:  Nave’s Topical Bible

James Orr, John Nuelsen, Edgar Mullins, Morris Evans and Melvin Grove Kyle, Editors:  International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

William Smith:  A Dictionary of the Bible, Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography and Natural History

William Smith:  A Dictionary of the Bible Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography and Natural History, Volume 3 – Red Sea to Zuzims

William Smith and Samuel Cheetham:  A Dictionary of Christian Antiquitiies, Volume 1

Marvin R. Vincent:  Vincent’s New Testament Word Studies

W. E. Vine:  Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Robert Young:  Analytical Concordance to the Bible


William Henry Book:  Sermons for the People

T. W. Brents:   Gospel Sermons

Leroy Brownlow:  Brownlow’s Sermon in the Methodist Church

Leroy Brownlow:  Sermons You Can Preach

Hall L. Calhoun:  Gospel Sermons

John Chowning:  Semons on the Parables

Fred E. Dennis:  Fifty Short Sermons, Volume 2

Fred E. Dennis:  Preach the Word, Volume 3

Benjamin Franklin:  The Gospel Preacher:  A Book of Twenty Sermons 

Benjamin Franklin:  The Gospel Preacher:  A Book of Twenty-One Sermons (Volume 2)

N. B. Hardeman:  Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume 1

N. B. Hardeman:  Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume 2

N. B. Hardeman:  Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume 3

N. B. Hardeman:  Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume 4

N. B. Hardeman:  Hardeman’s Tabernacle Sermons, Volume 5

Ashley S. Johnson:  Johnson’s Sermons on The Two Covenants

Ashley S. Johnson:  The Life of Trust

Ashley S. Johnson:  Ten Evangelistic Sermons

James M. Mathes:  Works of Elder B. W. Stone

J. W. McGarvey:  Chapel Talks Delivered Before the Student Body of the College of the Bible in 1910 and 1911

J. W. McGarvey:  Sermons Delivered in Louisville, Kentucky, June-September, 1893

Austin Mobley and Jimmy Tuten, Jr.:  Show Them – Teach Them

F. D. Srygley:  A Collection of Biographies and Sermons

J. D. Tant:  The Gospel X-Ray

Dillard Thurman:  Charting the Old Paths

J. Z. Tyler:  Kinship to Christ and Other Sermons

E. S. B. Waldron:  The Gospel Proclaimer, A Book of Twenty Sermons

Clayton and Howard Winters:  Practical Sermons in Outline   (Copyrighted – Used with permission)

J. W. McGarvey Sermons 1: Sermons

J. W. McGarvey Sermons 2: Sermons

Seventh Day Doctrine

D. M. Canright:  The Lord’s Day – From Neither Catholics Nor Pagans

D. M. Canright:  Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced

D. R. Dungan:  The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day, Which?

G. W. Elliot and N. W. Kauble:  A Debate on the Sabbath and Lord’s Day

Study Methods

Talbot Fanning:  The True Method of Searching the Scriptures

Carroll Kendrick:  Rules of Bible Study

J. W. McGarvey:  A Guide to Bible Study

J. W. McGarvey:  Preacher’s Methods

World Religions

Paul E. Cantrell:  A Brief Study of Comparative Religions