Does It Matter What Name We Wear in Religion?




There are hundreds of different churches in the world today.  There are Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Pentecostals, and many more.  Does it matter what name we wear in religion?  Many say, “No, we can wear any name we choose.”  However, if we would read our Bibles and follow them we would not wear just any name we choose.  Could we call God by any name we choose and be pleasing to Him?  Could we call him George or Tom or Sam and by doing this give Him the respect He deserves?  No, we could not; God’s name and Christ’s name are divinely-given names.


In [bible Isaiah 62:2] it was prophesied that God’s people would be given a new name, and that name would be a name given by the Lord.  [bible Isaiah 62:2] is fulfilled in [bible Acts 11:26] when the Bible says that the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.  This was not a name they chose but a divine name that God chose.  In [bible Acts 4:10-12], Peter and John healed a man in the name of Jesus Christ.  Verse 12 says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”


Paul said in [bible Philippians 2:9] that God had highly exalted Jesus and given Him a name which is above every name.  Christ purchased the church with His own blood ([bible Acts 20:28]).  Since the church is His, it should wear His name.  In [bible Matthew 16:13-19], after Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, Jesus promised to build “His church.”  If it belongs to Christ, it should wear His name.


In [bible I Corinthians 1:10-13] Paul said that there should be no division among the followers of Christ.  Different religious names promote religious division.  Read [bible I Corinthians 1:10-13] — Paul asked these people if they were baptized in the name of Apollos, Cephas, or Paul.  He also asked if these men were crucified for them.  Paul made the argument here that we should wear the name in religion of the one who died on the cross for our sins.  If everyone would do this, we would all wear the same name.  The church belongs to Christ; He purchased it with His blood.  It is His bride and should wear His name—not the name of another.


The Bible says in [bible Romans 16:16], “ . . .The churches of Christ salute you.”  There is Bible authority to call ourselves “church of Christ.”  There is no Bible authority for the names men have invented such as Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, and others.  These man-made names do not give Christ glory and praise.  Christ’s name is above every name ([bible Philippians 2:9-11]).  If we will follow the New Testament, we will wear Christ’s name and not these man-made names.  Does it matter what name we wear in religion? Yes, it matters!  Wear the name of Christ.  There is salvation in no other name ([bible Acts 4:12]).



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