Are You Saved?




God’s Inspired Word

God’s inspired Word only has the correct answer to the question, “Who is saved?”

  • Must have faith in God ([bible Hebrews 11:6]).  Please note: faith is obtained by hearing God’s Word, only.  ([bible Romans 10:17]).
  • Must believe in Christ ([bible John 8:24]; [bible Mark 16:15-16]).
  • Must repent of sins ([bible Acts 2:38]; [bible Acts 17:10]).
  • Must confess faith in Christ ([bible Romans 10:9-10]).
  • Must be baptized ([bible Acts 2:38]; [bible Romans 6:3-4]).


Christ adds the saved to His church ([bible Acts 2:47]).  Salvation is in Christ Jesus ([bible Acts 4:12]), not any in any man.


The Correct Answer

… He who does the will of My Father in heaven” ([bible Matthew 7:21]).


Note: Christ said the ones that obey God’s Word will be saved.

  • Christ said, “…I will build My church…” ([bible Matthew 16:18]).
  • Christ died for His church and only for His church ([bible Ephesians 5:25]).
  • Christ purchased His church (and only His church) with His own blood ([bible Acts 20:28]).
  • Christ is the Savior of His church ([bible Ephesians 5:23]).
  • Christ adds the saved to His church ([bible Acts 2:47]). “He who believes and is baptized will be saved…” ([bible Mark 16:16]).  “Repent and let every one of you be baptized… for the remission of sins” ([bible Acts 2:38]).


Conclusion: The saved are in the church that belongs to Christ.  Christ’s church – the church of Christ.


Are You Saved?

Or are you lost?  Which?


The Bible, God’s inspired Word only, tells us the correct answer.


Please note: there are only two ways.

1.  The wide gate and broad way which leads to hell.

2.  The straight gate and narrow way leads to heaven ([bible Matthew 7:13-14]).


God’s Word only tells us how to enter the narrow way, the way to heaven.  Jesus said, “I am the way…” ([bible John 14:6]).  Salvation is in Christ only ([bible Acts 4:12]).


To enter the narrow way to heaven:

  • Must have faith in God ([bible Hebrews 11:6]).
  • Must believe in Christ ([bible John 8:24]; [bible Mark 16:16]).
  • Must confess faith in Christ ([bible Romans 10:8-10]).
  • Must repent of all sins ([bible Acts 2:38]; [bible Acts 17:30]; [bible Luke 13:3-5]).
  • Must be baptized for forgiveness of sins ([bible Acts 2:38]; [bible Romans 6:3-4]).
  • Christ adds to His church those that are saved – those in the “narrow way” ([bible Acts 2:47]).


Which way are you in?  The “narrow way” or the “broad way”?  Which?


Christ’s Blood Saves

The divine, inspired, inerrant revelation of God’s Word is complete and final ([bible 2 Timothy 3:16-17]).


… if anyone preaches any other gospel to you… let him be accursed” ([bible Galatians 1:8-9]).


No one can add to it nor change it.


We learn from God’s Word the importance of Christ’s blood.


In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins…” ([bible Ephesians 1:7]). Christ said, “For this is My blood… which is shed… for the remission of sins” ([bible Matthew 26:28]).  “… and without shedding of blood there is no remission” ([bible Hebrews 9:22]).


No man on earth has ever done this and no man can forgive sins.  Don’t be deceived by any man.  How do we reach His blood to be cleansed and receive forgiveness of sins?  We are “… baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death… buried with Him through baptism into death…” ([bible Romans 6:3-4]).


Now one had contacted Christ’s blood and salvation.  Salvation is in Christ only ([bible Acts 4:12]).


Obey God and be saved.


The Absolute and Final Answer

God’s inspired Word only hold the correct, absolute, and final answer.


The apostle Paul said those that know God and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will be saved ([bible 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9]).


Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” ([bible Matthew 28:18]).  Note: Therefore, no man had any authority whatsoever to make laws for God’s people.


Jesus Christ gave a command: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  He who believes and is baptized will be saved” ([bible Mark 16:15-16]).


Paul said, “… there are some who… pervert the gospel of Christ… if anyone  preaches any other gospel… let him be accursed” ([bible Galatians 1:6-9]).


The apostles said, “We ought to obey God rather than man” ([bible Acts 5:29]).


Let us all obey the Gospel of Christ and be saved.



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